Ontario’s 3-step COVID-19 reopening plan threatens future of movie and drive-ins theatres Globalnews.ca In a statement to Global News, Ontario government officials said the province must “remain conscious of the continued threat the virus poses,” adding …

*Ontario's* 3-step COVID-19 reopening plan threatens future of movie and *drive-ins* theatres <www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://globalnews.ca/news/7911301/covid-ontario-restrictions-reopening-movie-drivein-theatres/&ct=ga&cd=CAEYACoTNDI1MTE1NzI4ODk0MTM3MDI2OTIbMTUwY2FkNzQ1MjYzMzIyMj...> Globalnews.ca In a statement to Global News, *Ontario* government officials said the province must “remain conscious of the continued threat the virus poses,” adding ...

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