The Best Drive-In Theatres Across Canada – MSN MSN Newmarket, Ontario. One of the oldest and most popular drive-ins in Ontario is located just over an hour north of Toronto. Built in 1952, the Stardust .
The Best *Drive*-*In* Theatres Across Canada - MSN <www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.msn.com/en-ca/autos/enthusiasts/the-best-drive-in-theatres-across-canada/ss-AA1dPAAv&ct=ga&cd=CAEYASoUMTAzMDM4MDI0NDk2NDA3MTQzNzIyGzE1MGNhZDc0NTI2MzMyM...> MSN Newmarket, *Ontario*. One of the oldest and most popular *drive*-*ins* in *Ontario* is located just over an hour north of Toronto. Built in 1952, the Stardust .
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